So I have been thinking about it for a while but have never really found the time to organize it. I would like to grow my own vegetables for various reasons, but mostly so that we, as a family, can eat more healthily without all the pesticides and such that are used in mass-produced agricultural set-ups. Since we don’t have much space in our garden and since the weather can be so unpredictable, I have been seriously considering starting our personal production line indoors, mostly likely in the garage. In fact, one of our best friends now lives in the UK and recently I visted her where I was introduced to the world of indoor gardening with LED Grow lights. Apparently, indoor vegetable growing with LED lighting in the UK are becoming increasingly popular since their weather is even more unpredictable than ours! I have been reading up on LED technology and I’m currently in the midst of trying to decide which LED light systems to go for (see LED Grow Lights in the UK).
This will be the first post of what will hopefully be a long-running project with the ultimate goal of achieving self-sufficiency in vegetable production…get ready to go to Mars! 🙂